Wednesday 10 November 2010


As I look down at all that is up,
I smile at this private world,
As I stay suspended here in nothing,
I look down upon lands of softest white,
I dream of falling through these islands,
Falling without ever stopping,
Falling further and further away,
From the houses and roads of the sky above,
The wind rushing into my mouth,
As I scream, shout; laugh at the top of my voice,
No cares for anything - anything at all,
My permanent smile like the photographs on the wall.
As I look up at all that is down,
I smile and greet your world,
As I hurtle towards nothing,
I look down to building ledges and clouds of white,
I dream of all the people I once knew,
People from all walks of life,
People I loved and people I hated,
Friends I wish I had held onto,
The concrete rushes into my mouth,
I scream, shout, cry all in a blink,
All problems - dwarfed by this very moment,
My eternal pain just a mark in this pavement.

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